My Saturday afternoon shopping date was Carrie, the only one of my children that didn't wake Mommy up needing attention the night before.
We tried to use a President's Day coupon to score some shoes, but I couldn't find any white Easter sandals. Instead, Carrie threw her very first fit over something she wanted that I wouldn't buy.
High heels. On a baby. I can't believe anyone would sell them. Twinny Spice had fifteen minutes teetering around the store and striking poses, and then I threw them back in the box and ran for the exit.
Melina gave me a pretty thrilling Valentine's Day present.
It takes context to understand it. It took a year for Devon to master eating with a spoon. He was ambidextrous for a long time and then chose his left hand, which made Mommy much less confident in modeling the positions. It's been great the past few months to set a plate of food in front of him and watch him pick up spoon and fork and confidently go at it.
Friday morning I made Devon some yogurt with Cheerios. He was more interested in Toots the Train than eating. After the girls got up we all sat on the floor and played with his trains. Suddenly, I noticed that we were short a twin, which usually means I'll find her rearranging the pantry or trying to climb on the toilet.
I found her perched primly on the end of Devon's chair, holding the spoon in her right hand and lifting dainty little bites to her mouth. I sat down by her, taking pictures and cheering her on until she finished the entire bowl. It just goes to show how different one's children can be.
On Valentine's Day morning we Skyped with Grammy and Grandpa, opening the box they sent for the kids.
Apparently I needed to hide the chocolates a little higher. Devon woke me up this morning asking for more chocolate. It was the "more" part that brought me straight up out of bed, concerned.
At least he unwrapped them...
I chose procrastination over Pinterest for Devon's school valentines this year. Devon and I went to Sam's Club to buy them. To make them more personal, I asked Devon what he liked best about each of his friends and wrote his reply (verbatim) on the back of each box of chocolates.
Yup, not on a little foam square. Just on the plastic with a Sharpie marker. Right over the Nutrition Facts.
Mom of the Year.
Devon's craft to me was much more thoughtful.
Valentine's Day itself was a long day. I think each of the kids wanted Mommy to be their exclusive Valentine, and got upset whenever she tried to spread herself around.
By the end of the day, I was ready to sit and talk to Craig while he made Oyster Stew with Fresh Rosemary and send some holiday text messages: