Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Our Santa Policy: December 14, 2014

The nighttime visions are dancing in our heads already, but not sugarplums, unfortunately.

Melina: crying, gesturing wildly and emphatically  THERE was a SNAKE in my BED.  It was trying to EAT me!
Mommy: Was it a nightmare?
Melina: Yeth!
Mommy: Do you need to stay in Mommy's bed for a few minutes?
Melina: Yeth!
 This happy guy saw TWO Santas this weekend.  The first was at the Elkton YMCA at their Christmas Faire.  This meant Craig and I needed a Santa Policy.  We decided that we wouldn't do anything to discourage belief in Santa, but if asked we would answer truthfully.  So Mommy can label packages "from Santa" because it's cute and we can have a Cookies for Santa plate because it's cute, but our kids will probably always know that Santa is Daddy and The Tooth Fairy is Mommy.
 The decorated cookies were a hit, too!
 I was surprised the girls weren't more into Santa, seeing that all three talked my ear off about him all the way there.  When we got there, he made Melina so nervous I actually thought she might bolt from the room during Devon's turn.  "Don't worry, sissy, nobody is making you do anything you don't want to do," I crooned over and over.  Carrie was more calm, but her clamp on my shoulder got stronger the closer we moved into the guy in the suit.
 So this was all three kids with Santa this year.  Okay.

Devon: Mommy, is the YMCA the North Pole?
Mommy: No, Devon, they set up the room for Santa to remind people of the North Pole.

 The girls had runny noses on Sunday, and I figured if you are too sick for the Baby Jesus you are too sick for Santa, too.  Devon and I went alone with Karolina and Victoria to see Santa at Kilby Cream.
 Devon asked for the same thing both times: a Hot Wheels Car track.  Good to know...
He ate his Snowman Sundae outside in forty-degree weather and still wanted to play outdoors.  He's turning into a little winter Marylander after all. 

Devon: Mommy, does Santa live at Kilby Cream and eat ice cream all day?
Mommy: Well, remember that Santa is real in the same way that Veggietales and Spiderman and Thomas the Train are real, Devon.  He's real in movies and he's real dressed up and we can sit on his lap and have fun and use our imaginations.  But he's not real in the way that Devon and the Baby Jesus are real. 
Devon: blank stare Spiderman isn't real?
Mommy: No, not really, sweetie.
Devon: But I'm a RescueBot.
Mommy: Yes, you are.
Devon: When I lived in Florida, I didn't know I was an emergency responder.  I hadn't started to Transform yet.  I was too little.

Yep, our son has a FIRM grasp on reality....

Devon: What about in Polar Express movie where the bell rings when the boy believes in Santa.  Do all the bells in our house not ring because Santa isn't real?
Mommy: No, all the bells in our house don't ring because you've pulled them all apart and the ringers fell out.

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